Where to Send Financial Contributions?



As Nazarene Churches we are a part of a global ministry network that seeks “To Make Disciples in the Nations.” Therefore, we do not invest all of our resources in the local church mission alone, instead we collectively share the mission locally, regionally (district), and globally (world missions). We also support our regional universities as they endeavor to help equip young women and men to enter the work force as followers of Jesus Christ in their chosen and called professions. We are grateful for every local church that embraces what it means to participate fully in the mission of God through partnership as Nazarenes. The calculated amount each church contributes to sharing the mission is based on their local collection of tithes and offerings.


Apportionment Breakdown and Where to Send Contributions:


World Evangelism Fund (WEF): 5.5%

  • Please send funds to: The Church of the Nazarene, Global Ministry Center, ATTN: Donor Services

  • Mail to 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220

  • Checks made payable to: Global Treasury Services

    • Memo: Please include your church name, city, and state.

  • The preferred method for remitting funds to the general treasurer is to utilize the electronic

    fund transfer at www.fundingthemission.org

Nazarene Benefits USA: 2%

  • Also sent to: The Church of the Nazarene, Global Ministry Center, ATTN: Donor Services

  • Mail to 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220

  • Checks made payable to: Global Treasury Services

    • Memo: Please include your church name, city, and state

  • The preferred method for remitting funds to the general treasurer is to utilize the electronic

    fund transfer at www.fundingthemission.org


District Unified Fund: 6% (District, NYI, NDI, and NMI)

  • Please send funds to: NC DISTRICT CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE

  • Mail to the NC District Office at: Box 370, Mebane NC 27302


Trevecca Nazarene University: 2.5%

  • Make checks payable to: Trevecca Nazarene University

  • Mail to: TNU, Attn: External Relations Office, 333 Murfreesboro Rd., Nashville, TN 37210-2877

    (615-248-1413 or 615-248-1355)

  • To give online, please refer to http://www.trevecca.edu/give and click on “Make a Church

    Educational Budget Payment” near the bottom of the page.)



Additional Voluntary Contributions:


Donations/Contributions for Nazarene Theological Seminary Offering: Make checks payable to: Nazarene Theological Seminary. Mail to: Nazarene Theological Seminary, 1700 E. Meyer Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64131 (Contact Jamie McDorman, ext. 5434; 800-831-3011)


Donations/Contributions for Nazarene Bible College Offering: Make checks payable to: Nazarene Bible College. Mail to: Nazarene Bible College, 17001 Prairie Star Parkway, Suite 300, Lenexa, KS 66220 (719- 884-5000 or 1-800-873-3873; www.nbc.edu)


*If you need assistance with where to send additional or any special offerings, please contact the District Office at 704-540-8300 or office@ncnaz.org.