Nazarene Youth International
Ex Officio: Rev. Brad Kochis, Dist. Supt.
President: Angela Rivas
Vice President: Patty Fox
Secretary: Amber Greenwood
Treasurer: Chad Bevins
Early Youth Representative: Meraya McClure
Early Youth Representative: Wyatt Modlin
Senior Youth Representative: Sarah Bell
Senior Youth Representative: Sophia Koutssagoulas
Career Youth Representative: Grayson Greenwood
Career Youth Representative: Tim Dolin, Jr.
Bible Quizzing Director: Jason Greenwood
Encuentro Director: Angela Rivas
Fall Retreat Coordinator: Patty Fox
NYI Convention: Angela Rivas
Teen Camp Coordinator: Tammie Crandall
TNT Coordinator: Derrick Adcock
TNT Coordinator: Tiffany Adcock
Teen Talent Festival: Jon Webb
NYC Coordinator: Ashley Little
YES Coordinator: Jeremiah McClure
Young Adult Retreat Director: Tammie Crandall
Chapel Hill: Erin Soles
Fayetteville: TBD
Greater Raleigh: TBD
Green Coast: TBD
Lake Lands: TBD
Piedmont: TBD
Southeast Charlotte Mission: Jon Webb
Southwest Mission: Tammie Crandall
Tar Heel: Krystal Torres
Western Mission: TBD
Go to ncnyi.org for more info...
Join us for a day full of talent, competition, and worship, honoring God with our gifts!
7:30-8:30 A.M.
8614 Pineville-
Matthews Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226
Digital forms (scanned image or PDF) are due by January 8. Physical forms must be brought to the event. They do not need to be notarized. E-mail all forms by January 8 to
Kurtis Poole - kpoole@pineville.church
Please mail payment for entire church group in one check postmarked no later than January 9, 2025.
Download all the forms needed below and check out all the info available at ncnyi.org
For event questions contact Kurtis Poole- kpoole@pineville.church
Download Student Registration Form Here
Download Church Group Event Form Here
Download Information Flyer Here
Download Information Flyer in Spanish Here
View TNT 2025 Handbook for Events and Rules Here
We need volunteers!
It takes a lot of people to make Shine happen! We need judges, coaches, event coordinators and helpers. We are asking all adult attendees to fill out this form so you can be assigned a volunteer task during the event. If you are in the Charlotte area and you or people from your church or community are able to volunteer, whether you have teens attending the event, please fill out the form below as well. It takes a village, and we are grateful for everyone willing to serve our teens!
Click Here for Volunteer Registration Form
What is Shine?
Shine is a chance for students to showcase and develop their abilities through competitions in an encouraging, Christ-centered atmosphere. With events spanning arts, academics, and athletics, any student can find a way to participate. Students who place first in every category have the chance to represent the NC District at the Southeast Regional competitions at TNT @ TNU. Beyond placing for TNT however, students gain a chance to develop or find new skills and talents that they may not get a chance to try anywhere else. For many students, these develop into ministry opportunities in their local churches, communities and schools. The purpose of Shine is to provide students a chance to creatively use their skills as a form of worship and an offering to God.